Complex Learning Method: Experiential Learning
Learning Scenario: Reading activity with Art Integration
This activity is meant for Student Teachers, Teacher Assistants training for Lead Teacher Position, newly hired teachers in training. The premise is they are to be paired up with a more experienced teacher (a Lead Teacher/MKO) who can show them around as they learn the ropes, and can scaffold them before they fully immerse themselves into teaching and take the lead in the class.
The goal is for them to be able to:
Observe a class that they would like or be assigned to teach in;
Come up with his/her own age-appropriate lesson plan for a Reading activity that is integrated with one Art activity;
Implement Reading activity with one integrated Art activity;
Evaluate their plan and implementation and make modifications for future teaching.
Connection to Experiential Learning and Authentic Assessment
Based on American educational theorist David A. Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory, an activity may involve four cyclical stages:
Stage 1: Do
Where the learner experiences an activity
Stage 2: Observe
Learner reflects back on that experience
Stage 3: Think
Learner conceptualizes of a learning theory or model
Stage 4: Plan
Learner plans to test the theory or apply the model
This whole process combines experience, perception, cognition, and behavior. It may start at any stage but must follow each other in the sequence. In the given learning scenario, student teachers or teachers in training start at Stage 2 and experiences the actual teaching or Stage 1 last. They undergo authentic formative assessment by coming up with an actual Lesson Plan that is necessary for teaching, and when they do a self-assessment of their actual teaching and modify their plan based on what was successful or not.
Connection to Constructivism
This experiential learning activity is based on the principles of Constructivism wherein:
Learner (student teacher or teacher in training) learns how to teach by being immersed in a real classroom setting;
Learner is paired with a “More Knowledgeable Other,” in this case a Lead Teacher, who can scaffold learning;
By making an actual lesson plan, implementing it, and doing a self-assessment, the student teacher constructs own learning of what works and what does not work in the classroom can make modifications for further or future instruction.
David L, "Experiential Learning (Kolb)," in Learning Theories, February 13, 2007, From
Ronan, A. “Every Teacher’s Guide to Assessment,” April 29, 2015. From