Reflection on Microlearning Project
The principles of Andragogy supported me in this Microlearning project. Learning is built on previous experience, and as I was learning how to make my infographic, I recalled the times I was making PowerPoint presentations for my 6th graders. I remembered how much more interested they were learning about Science when class discussion accompanied PowerPoint. So, I thought to myself, making infographics shouldn't be much different from making PowerPoint, and even though it was my first time to make infographics, my " I can do this attitude" carried me through and became my motivating force.
Adults learn independently and is best oriented as problems to be solved or tasks to be accomplished. I was pretty much on my own as I learned how to make an infographic. As I explored the technology tool, I learned from my own mistakes and eventually learned to navigate around it and effectively make one. Sure, it was a task placed upon me as part of the requirements for this course, but it was also a challenge I took upon with much determination because I really wanted to learn.
New learning and skills gained by adults are of highest value if they were to be used immediately. The more infographics I make, the more honed I am in that skill and this will definitely help me should I pursue my career in Instructional Design.
Pappas, C. (2013, May 9). The Adult Learning Theory - Andragogy - of Malcolm Knowles. Retrieved August 04, 2017, from
National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development. (2007, February 9). 30 THINGS WE KNOW FOR SURE ABOUT ADULT LEARNING, from