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Personal Learning Experience

In my Math class, while studying Money, the Kindergarteners were grouped into 3 and given different amounts of play coins. They were given a common problem of what coins to use to be able to purchase a certain toy. In this particular case, adding beyond 10 is a skill that has yet to be mastered. However, with my guidance, this may be done by prompting them to count beyond 10, which they can definitely do. One scaffolding strategy would be to prompt them with a coin they can use to start with and what other coin(s) they can use to add on. Grouping children with at least one MKO or a “More Knowledgeable Other,” someone who has a better understanding of the concept, could act as the facilitator in the group.



Education Theory Constructivism and Social Constructivism. (n.d.). Retrieved from

David L, "Social Development Theory (Vygotsky)," in Learning Theories, July 23, 2014,

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